Monday 24 September 2012

Interview with Australian Adventurer of the Year Pat Farmer

Ultra-marathon runner Pat Farmer will join the Civic2Surf team and take part in the relay from Canberra to Bondi on October 5th and 6th to raise awareness for Batyr and mental health issues. Farmer who is 'proud to be an ambassador of the 2012 Civic2Surf' shares Batyr's passion for bringing about the social change needed to tackle mental illness amongst young Australians. The Australian Adventurer of the Year and a Red Cross Ambassador gives us an insight into his incredible Pole to Pole run, the challenges he faced and how he unwinds. 

What was the biggest challenge you faced when running from north pole to south pole?  
The Biggest Challenge I faced with the Pole to Pole Run was trying to convince people that I could do it thats why it was so difficult to get support because most people thought it impossible. as far as the event itself was concerned , The North pole with its minus 45degree temperatures and 100km/hour winds plus this ice cube that floats on the Arctic Ocean and keeps moving the finish line.

What was the biggest highlight? 
The biggest highlight was making it Through the Darien Jungle , so many people warned me about this place and it is billed as the most Dangerous place on Earth. I saw Anaconda, Tucan, Howler Monkeys and Macaw, we lived off the land and its no surprise that with 19 armed soldiers that I didn't see any "Gorillas with Guns"

You obviously faced some difficult times during those 21,000 kilometres. What helped you get through them? 
The thing that helped me through the dark times during that run was the knowledge that I was Inspiring lives and saving lives with every milestone I overcame.

When did you first hear about Batyr? 
I first heard about Batyr a few months ago and was immediately impressed with their compassion to help others with depression and mental illness

What do you do to unwind/release stress?
To unwind and relieve stress I run, I find this my best form of escape from the sometimes manic world I live in.

Who do you talk to when you have concerns?
I find that it is important for us to have a friend that we can confide in and seek advise I have a couple of friends like this and I regularly bounce Ideas and concerns off them.

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