Tuesday, 29 November 2011

DAY 3 -Civic to Surf

Day Three: Tuesday 29th November 2011

Day three found the Civic to Surf team in good spirits ready to take on the challenge of another 50 kilometres. Even though Evan was wishing they had a spare pair of legs, the team was feeling strong and optimistic for the days ahead. Leaving camp at 7.30am to beat the heat, Bronti, Jack, Harry, Evan and Calder started off well running at a steady pace through Towrang National Park. After trespassing on private property and almost getting shot the team steam rolled along their planned route.

Yet it seemed their luck was not to last as this is when things turned pear shaped. Unfortunately as they were using maps from the 1980s, the team took a wrong turn and ended up running around in circles for 3 hours! It was only after running into a random tradesman that they realised they were on a different road than they'd previously thought. With the mornings efforts wasted, tradesman dropped the team off 4 kilometres from where they started at 7.30 that morning.

11am and the team was back where they had started. Spirits were low and the team were facing a long 50 kilometres ahead of them. The arrival of Richo and Krishna acted as a huge morale booster after what was an incredibly tough morning. Richo and Krishna would be replacing Victor as the support drivers for the next two days. Sari (Evan's Mum) dropped by with a delicious lunch for the team. According to Jack, Sari provided some much needed food, love and support.

Inspired by the fresh faces, stories and enthusiasm, the team's spirits were reinvigorated. Jack, Harry, Calder, Bronti and Evan punched out a good run after lunch getting back on track and making up time. After a decent run along Jerrara Road, just south of Marulan, the team welcomed the sporadic showers and spent the afternoon alternating between running and walking. It seems Calder used up two of his nine lives as he almost stepped on a red belly black snake and very narrowly escaped being hit by a train.

Although the team faced a three hour set back earlier they were able to make up enough time to arrive at Wingello at approximately 8pm. This is the earliest they have arrived at camp for the night yet. Tonight, courtesy of Sari, the team are staying at Simbra Cottage Bed and Breakfast. According to Calder the owner is lovely. The boys and Bronti have already charmed her into making them ANZAC biscuits and showing them her beloved collection of patchwork quilts!

Tomorrow the Civic to Surf team will be leaving Wingello and head east along railway parade to Bundanoon. From Bundanoon they will pass through Exeter (10 kilometres south of Mossvale) and continue towards Mittagong. Jack, Harry, Evan, Bronti and Calder are very thankful of everyones ongoing support and donations and are looking forward to sharing a beer with everyone on Saturday at Bondi.

Please continue to donate: 
Online via netbank -Account name: John XXIII College
Account number: 100 852 82
BSB: 062 902
Make sure in 'TO ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION' you put C2S followed by YOUR NAME

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